comic book art

This little project was totally inspired by Connor.  After all, when your six-year-old starts cutting up a comic book to save his favorite pictures, what else is there to do but turn it into something cool.

comic book art

This is a really quick project that you can easily get your kids involved in.   It’s a great upcycling project which reuses newsprint and those old comic books that are falling apart.

You’ll need:
a comic book (that you don’t mind cutting up)
a canvas (any size)
mod podge and paintbrush (or roller)
black and white comics (from the newspaper)

Start by cutting out some of your favorite images.  (It’s great if you can tell a mini story with your selections.)

comic book art

Arrange them on the canvas to decide how you want it to look.

comic book art

Set the comic book pictures aside and start laying down a layer of mod podge on your canvas. Get the sides covered too.  I like using a small roller to lay down an even layer of mod podge – that way you don’t get brush strokes in your finished project!

comic book art

Lay down your newsprint on top, wrapping it around the sides and to the back of the canvas.

comic book art

For the corners, just wrap it like you would a present.  They’ll look really nice (like this).

comic book art

Cover your newsprint with another layer of mod podge and let dry a bit.  (Top and sides)

comic book art

Add another layer of mod podge on the top and start arranging the comic book pictures.  Add a layer of mod podge on top of that when you’re done.  Smooth it out with your finger or brayer or a bone folder, if needed.

comic book art

Let dry completely.  If you’d like you can add another layer of mod podge, to completely seal it in.  And you’re done!

comic book art

Terms of use:  This tutorial is for personal use only!

comic book art

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